Cherrapunji ki Diwali

This Diwali, as Netflix, the only message we wanted to put out there is, that no matter what happens during Diwali we’ll be the fireplace for your family to get together. Our film fictionalised a story around this quaint town in the wettest place on planet earth, Cherapunji. A folklore of these families who even in the rains are trying their best to keep up with traditions. And how Netflix becomes their glue to hold onto the most important tradition of this festivity, togetherness. In our film “Cherapunji ki Diwali”

The story told as folklore, showcases the people of this little town and their undying spirit to celebrate Diwali, in its truest form. While the rain plays a spoilsport through their festivities, creates for many, cute, funny, and memorable moments for the viewers, Netflix becomes the trigger for their one tradition that even the rains cannot take away: togetherness.

‘Cherrapunji ki Diwali | #HousefulWaaliDiwali’


Netflix Playback 2022


Ravi Shastri!